Anderson 30th April 2015

John M. Linebarger I broke down and cried when I heard the news. Glen has been an influential part of my life for over 25 years. He was my mentor in the Biblical Languages. But more than that, he was a kind and godly man. Just this week my nine year old daughter got a letter from him encouraging her in her study of languages, and thanking her for her conduct during the many times she was at his house when I was in class with Glen. Words fail me here, and dissolve into prayer, interpreted by groanings that are too deep for words. The academy has lost a world-class Biblical Language educator, the mission field has lost a tireless teacher, and I have lost a mentor and dear friend. Glenden Paul Riddle has gone home to meet his Savior after a motorcycle accident in Thailand. Please pray for his wife, Joy, who remains in the hospital in critical condition with numerous broken bones.