Greek and Board Games - Rick Taylor

1974 - 2014

Created by Anderson 9 years ago
My friendship with Glen and Joy goes back to the early 1970s. I was teaching Greek at the time, and Glen was in several of my classes. His enthusiasm for the language, even back then, seemed to know no limits. We spent time together both on campus and off campus. On one occasion Glen and Joy introduced my wife Diane and me to a board game called Careers, which we all had a great time playing together at their apartment.

My conversations with Glen always seemed eventually to turn to Greek when we were together. Although I never actually saw his large collection of Greek grammars, he told me many of the details about how he had acquired those volumes, especially some of the ones more difficult to come by. I also learned about some old Greek grammars that I had never heard of. He took great delight in that collection.

Glen’s love of Hebrew was great as well—second only to his love of Greek. A couple of years ago I offered a course in the Greek Old Testament, with attention to the corresponding Hebrew text. For years Glen had told me that at some point he wanted to come to Dallas and take that course. On this occasion he worked it out. For the entire spring semester he commuted back and forth from Albuquerque to Dallas in order to study the Septuagint. What a privilege it was for me to have in that class both Glen and Linda Hua, an outstanding Chinese student whom he had helped to come to Dallas Theological Seminary. I will remember that for a long time, including the occasion when my wife and I were able to take them both to dinner.