Light & Liberty Jail Ministry, Bernallio County Detention Center - Mary Dumas

1984 - 1999

Created by Anderson 9 years ago
This was no ordinary Chaplain, In the 15 (?) years he was there he developed a Seminary in the Jail.

The Jail is divided up in sections where the inmates live, these sections are call PODS

The Jail Administrators gave a POD to Glen to run a special program.

Inmates applied for admission and agreeded to the standard of behavior expected.

There were representatives of Native Americans, Mexican Americans, African Americans and Caucasians and all men. The ladies where not left out they had their program as well but not separated from the general population.

This program was Hard Core Discipleship

Typically inmates had no orientation to religion or church, very much an unreached people group. Here in the program they had the opportunity to come to know, love and serve God.

This chaplain's office provided local churches with the opportunity to do outreach . We trained volunteers to work in the jail to: counsel, teach, provide books, writing paper, tracks, lead worship services, conduct bible studies and make appointments for visiting inmates. Several Officers from the Jail staff
became volunteers and instructors as well.

Volunteers in the God's Pod conducted classes Monday thru Saturday, Mornings, Afternoons and Evenings, There were classes to help them survive when they got out, Bible studies, praise and worship,most any perceived need would be addressed in these blocks of time.

"Experiencing God" was a core class that transformed many of their lives. They learned to listen to and obey God. Glen would always say he wasn't interested in what they had done but what they are doing and will do. He followed up on as many as wanted to stay accountable. Some went to prison and the others went back into the community

Families were also served by this ministry Glen gave me his car to take a wife to visit her husband who had been transferred to a prison in Palestine Texas and arranged for us to st at a DTS Alum's home while there. We blew a rod coming back so completed the journey on Greyhound and Glen got to go to the Holy Land after it was repaired.

We worked with the angel tree Christmas program to insure inmates children were remembered as well as having parties for the families to insure they got food for the holidays.

Graduates of God's Pod continued grow after their time at BCDC more that a couple have been ordained others have gotten their GED or gone to Bible College or Community College. This what CORRECTIONS is all about, as a retire Law enforcement officer it thrilled me to witness the transformed lives that resulted from Glen's approach to obeying the Great Commission. "GO MAKE DISCIPLES"

I learned that Israel is not THE HOLY LAND Texas is early on, in my time at Light & Liberty. Glen wrote on the calendar that he would not be available over a weekend he would be going to the HOLY LAND. I obtained a bunch of different tie tac's displaying Texas stuff he pinned them all on at once and wore then to teach a Sunday school class at Grace Church in Albuquerque. When asked what they were all about he promptly told them Mary Dumas went to the HOLY LAND and brought these back for me. So after church several folk came to me and asked when I had gone to Israel " Oh in 83 " I said, and that's when you got those pins for Glen?

A humorous event occurred when the inmates putting bibles in a closet discovered there was a vent in the ceiling, they stacked the bibles so they served at a ladder and climbed thru and out of the jail ....It gave new meaning to Standing on the promises of God and of course they were apprehended and returned.
