The Real Deal - Jeff Nelson

1984 - 1994

Created by Anderson 9 years ago
I'll share a brief story from for his time with Light and Liberty in Albq.

I asked your dad one day to let me "shadow" him for a day. He had been asking me to get more involved with the jail ministry-­-­not just be on the board but actually go into the jail and work with the men. I was skeptical, but willing to do a go with him. We got to the county jail, and I'm pretty uptight and a bit scared. We got into the main holding area, rough-­looking dudes are everywhere-­-­on the floor, standing around, huddled in small groups. Your dad of course, goes right into the middle of it all, smiling, shaking hands, opening his Bible to share scripture. I'm basically cowering in the corner, looking and feeling lost, and your dad looks back at me as if to say, "What are you doing? You can't do jail ministry in a corner!" :)

After that, it was off to a lunch meeting with either Kiwanis or Chamber of Commerce (don't recall which one). The guest speaker was talking about world-­wide population control, and part of this thrust was that abortion can help control population. He finished his talk, then opened up for Q&A time. After a few "softball" questions, your dad stood up and challenged the speaker pretty openly about abortion and your dad made no bones about defending right to life issues. It was a "lively" exchange between the two men, and you could have heard a pin drop. The crowd had gotten very, very quiet. I was trying to "look small" myself, feeling like all eyes were on us. Afterwards, a couple people came up to your dad and said quietly, "I'm glad you stood up and said what you did." As I said earlier, your dad was the real deal...