Hebrews Commentary -Paul Tanner

2005 January - December

Created by Anderson 9 years ago
In 2005 I had the privilege to work with Glen Riddle in writing a new course for BEE on the Book of Hebrews. We decided to try something different: I would write a Commentary for the book, and then Glen would take that and build the study lessons around the Commentary.

After I finished a first draft of the Commentary, I sent it to Glen to take a look at. Then I discovered what a hawk's eye for detail Glen had. Several emails followed of suggested corrections and things for me to consider (all in a good and gentle spirit, I might add). One of these emails had a list of 41 things to think about. I quickly learned that Glen was a master of the details and had a keen editorial eye. I appreciated that, as it helped us produce a better course for the benefit of others.

I chuckled when I read one of the closing lines of his emails to me: Joy needs to use the computer so I'll copy this to me...I can destroy things on a computer with no effort at all. I'll miss Glen, and I'll always be thankful for the privilege of having worked alongside him for a season.