Amazing Chess Player - Charles McDaniel

Created by A.D. 9 years ago
It is sometimes difficult to determine those who have had a life impact on me, but I can clearly say that Glen Riddle had a tremendous and wonderful impact on my life. I met him about fourteen years ago, and we had been the best of friends ever since. I will never forget entering his house for the first time, and I saw the many amazing books in his library. I was in awe of this kind of scholar, and I knew immediately that I was working with one who was so dedicated to the Lord. My friendship with Glen was always on the scholarly level through the years, but soon after meeting him, it also changed to a very close friendship that included meals together, visits about any topic, and, of course, our amazing games of chess! I always admired Glen for being such an amazing chess player, and I can say truly that some of the best chess games in my life were with Glen. Of course, during any "chess" visit, we would often discuss the wonderful things of God and of life, and every visit was special. Soon we graduated on to walking the La Cueva High School track together, near Glen's Albuquerque home. We had many a vital and serious conversation around the track, and many times the conversations would include Glen's favorite movies, his favorite food, and all of the amazing teaching that he was doing around the world. It is no wonder that so many I have encountered have known something about Glen. It is hard to imagine the legacy that he has left throughout the world with his ministry. I praise God for this dear servant, and I look forward to the day when I will see Glen once again in God's kingdom, and then we will continue the many conversations that were unfinished.
